Project Background
Project Background
The HKSAR Government has been striving to improving the public environment and lower the impact of village sewage discharge on the surrounding environment. With the increasing number of village houses, the number of septic tanks and the discharge quantity of sewerage have been increasing, which has gradually overwhelmed the natural purification capacity of the soil, leading to environmental pollution and sanitation problems.
In Sai Kung and Hang Hau area, there are still sewerage from the unsewered premises discharging directly or indirectly into the existing stormwater drainage systems, natural streams and rivers, thus causing environmental pollution and affect the living environment and hygiene. As a long-term measure to mitigate the pollution problem and to enhance the living environment while meeting the relevant legislation requirements, Drainage Service Department (DSD) is planning to provide public sewerage systems to the Port Shelter areas in stages.

Project Description
This Internet website is prepared according to the requirements of the EP-516/2016. It is to provide the user-friendly public access to the relevant project information and environmental monitoring and audit data for the Project.
The Project mainly comprises the following items:
- Provision of village sewerage to the unsewered areas of Po Toi O. The works involve construction of about 800 m of gravity sewers and about 400 m of rising mains;
- Construction of a local Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Po Toi O with Average Dry Weather Flow of about 139 m3 per day; and
- Construction of a submarine outfall of about 385 m in length for the STP at Po Toi O.